Everyone has problems in life. For the most part, we are able to quickly solve them without much trouble. We either come up with a quick solution or use a strategy that worked in the past. For example, if you overslept in the morning and are going to be late for work, you might decide to call work and explain your situation while getting dressed and ready in half the usual time. Problems become more difficult when there is no obvious solution and strategies that you have tried in the past don’t work. During these times you can follow some problem-solving techniques which may reduce the charge and may even solve it completely. 1. Is There Really a Problem Most of your problem can dissolve here itself. Many times we create our own imaginary problems. This happens with most of us. So relax a bit. And think about if this is really a big problem. Is it something that will matter in 5 years? Or even in 5 weeks? Life becomes so less stressful wh...